TclTalkback - Error Reporting for Tcl/Tk
This Tcl extension provides Tcl/Tk developers with a convenient and strong error reporting tool to compare with
Microsoft Online Crash Analysis, but,
for Tcl script errors... and with a more consisely worded dialog.
MS Windows 98-10 (XP shown)
Mac OS X
- Errors sent by the user to a given URL.
- The given URL can be anything — from a simple mail form through to a hook to a sophisticated bug tracking system.
- Update the user on the bug resolution status from the reporting URL (via headers or body data) — or use some other source. Your choice!
- Customisable text for "Why Should I Send It?" answer. Maybe you have a bug bounty?
- Set maximum error displays per runtime, etc.
- Extremely lightweight and no complex dependencies.
- Written entirely in Tcl/Tk and uses no OS level error reporting APIs. Runs on any operating system Tcl/Tk does.
- Really really simple interface for the end-user.
Using in your Tcl Scripts
An example report URL script is provided in the download (written in PHP, allowed on all hosting sites) which demonstrates logging the data to a file
and emailing the data to an email address.
Download [9.2K, all platforms. Released: 2008-08-06.]